Algorithmic Typography Project


Algorithmic Typography is an experiment in computationally generated typography that retains the procedures for assembling text, such as choosing a typeface, deciding on font size, spacing, line length, and line spacing .... . It is also an attempt going forward to return industrialized typography to the written word.


The site allows the generated strings to be minted as NFTs.

The Hunting of the Snark 2024

Based on a poem by Lewis Carroll, 1876

0 edition 

“The Hunting of the Snark”は、『不思議の国のアリス』の作者として知られるルイス・キャロルが書いたナンセンス詩で、1876年にイギリスで刊行されました。陸地のない、何も書かれていない海図を手に、探索隊一行が伝説の生物「スナーク」を求めて奇妙な島で繰り広げる探検物語です。

"The Hunting of the Snark" is a nonsense poem written by Lewis Carroll, best known as the author of "Alice in Wonderland," and published in England in 1876. It is a tale of exploration on a strange island in search of the legendary creature "Snark" by a party of explorers, holding a blank nautical chart without the least vestige of land on it.


I have selected memorable words from each of the eight chapters and assembled the letters generatively. This gives rise to a variety of forms.

Ended at 23:59 on May 31, 2024.


Click on the book to turn the pages.


Art work: Yasuhito Nagahara

UI and System: Akihiro Kato

Cooperation: Shunsuke Takawo, DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion